The protection, preservation, and revitalization of Indigenous languages is critical for many First Nations and Aboriginal communities everywhere. The digitization of media can help community members access Indigenous language resources.
Grants, programs, and other resources are available to support the revitalization of Indigenous languages in BC and across Canada. Browse the list below to find the best fit for your community’s needs.

External Links
First Voices – First Peoples’ Cultural Council
FirstVoices grants fund projects for First Nations in BC. to document their language using
FirstVoices grants will fund communities to:
- collaborate on BC. First Nations language archives;
- fund the development of new archives
Digitization Grant Initiative – First Peoples’ Cultural Council
The Digitization Grant Initiative (DiGI) funding supports the digitization of existing audio, video and textual language resources for First Nations in BC. All BC. First Nations communities and organizations with Indigenous language recordings are eligible.
Listen, Hear Our Voices – Libraries and Archives Canada
The Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative aims to help digitize and preserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation culture and language recordings.
Seven archivists, based in traditional territories, are available to deliver tailored services to participating Indigenous communities across Canada. They can also help with Listen, Hear Our Voices funding applications.
Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages
National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages (National BoL) exists as a series of developing workshops that address the needs of tribal communities engaged in archives-based language revitalization. The main purpose of National BoL is to support community interest in accessing archival materials and to develop capacity around the use of digitized copies of such materials for revitalization efforts. Currently, National BoL offers two workshops.